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How to configure an inSync On-Premise Open LDAP lab

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This article applies to:

  • OS: Windows
  • Product edition: inSync On-Premise 


This article provides steps to configure inSync to import users from an open-LDAP server and map users to different profiles and storage. 

The lab setup is as follows:

Configure the open LDAP lab


  • inSync master and LDAP server must communicate with each other.
  • Enable the firewall on both the servers to allow incoming port numbers 443, 389, and 636.

The configuration is performed in the following order:

  1.  Add LDAP server in the inSync Master.
  2. Create an inSync Profile.
  3. Create Groups and Users in LDAP server.
  4. Create AD Mappings with LDAP filters.
  5. Import Users to inSync and verify if the users are imported to inSync.

Add LDAP server in the inSync Master

  1. Login to the inSync Management Console using
  2. On the menu go to Manage > Deployments > AD/LDAP.
  3. Open the Accounts tab and then click Register AD/LDAP Account.
  4. Enter the following settings:
    Directory Service Type:  LDAP (Others)
    Port: 389
    Username: cn=manager,dc=maxcrc,dc=com
    Password: secret
    Email: mail
    inSync Username: cn

  5. Click OK.

Create inSync Profiles based on user functions or groups

inSync profiles control the configuration for the inSync users mapped to the profile. Refer Create a profile section of the product documentation to understand the configuration of all the profile settings. To address the objective of this procedure, create multiple inSync profiles with some settings changed to import users from LDAP server based on user’s functions/groups.

  1. Login to the inSync Management Console using
  2. On the menu, go to Profiles and click Create New Profile.
  3. Create multiple profiles with the user-specific settings provided in the steps below.
    • Profile settings for IT users:
      Profile Name: IT Users
      Login Using: AD/LDAP Account
      AD/LDAP server host IP / FQDN:
      AD/LDAP server port: 389
      Click Next, Enable Device Backup, and Finish.

    • Profile settings for HR users:
      Profile Name:    HR Users
      Login Using:        AD/LDAP Account
      AD/LDAP server host IP / FQDN:
      AD/LDAP server port:     389
      Click Next and Enable Device Backup.
      Select the checkbox next to Email under Windows to enable email backup for HR users.
      Click Next and Finish.


Create groups and users in LDAP server

Create two groups - one for IT users and the second for HR users with the steps specified below.

  1. Login to the LDAP server.
  2. Create a file named GoupsIT-HR.ldif with the following text:

    # Groups
    dn: cn=IT Users,ou=People,dc=maxcrc,dc=com
    cn: IT Users
    gidNumber: 721
    objectClass: top
    objectclass: posixGroup

    dn: cn=HR Users,ou=People,dc=maxcrc,dc=com
    cn: HR Users
    gidNumber: 800
    objectClass: to
    pobjectclass: posixGroup

  3. Save the GoupsIT-HR.ldif file under C:\OpenLDAP\ldifdata.

  4. Launch the elevated command prompt and navigate to C:\OpenLDAP\ClientTools.


  5. Run the following command to add the groups.

    ldapmodify.exe -a -x -h localhost -p 389 -D
    "cn=manager,dc=maxcrc,dc=com" -f 
    C:\OpenLDAP\ldifdata\GoupsIT-HR.ldif -w secret


  6. Create a file named IT-HR-Users.ldif with the following text:

    dn: cn=IT User1,ou=people,dc=maxcrc,dc=com
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    objectClass: posixAccount
    objectClass: shadowAccount
    cn: IT User1
    sn: Druva
    uid: ITUser1
    uidNumber: 10121
    gidNumber: 721
    userpassword: SomePassword
    carlicense: HISCAR 55555
    homephone: 555-111-33333
    mail: ituser1@test.local
    description: IT Helpdesk
    homeDirectory: /home/<uid>
    ou: SOA

    dn: cn=IT User2,ou=people,dc=maxcrc,dc=com
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    objectClass: posixAccount
    objectClass: shadowAccount
    cn: IT User2
    sn: Druva
    uid: ITUser2
    uidNumber: 10122
    gidNumber: 721
    userpassword: SomePassword
    carlicense: HISCAR 44444
    homephone: 555-111-4444
    mail: ituser2@druva.local
    description: IT Admin
    homeDirectory: /home/<uid>
    ou: SOA

    dn: cn=HR User1,ou=people,dc=maxcrc,dc=com
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    objectClass: posixAccount
    objectClass: shadowAccount
    cn: HR User1
    sn: Druva
    uid: HRUSer1
    uidNumber: 10123
    gidNumber: 800
    userpassword: SomePassword
    carlicense: HISCAR 3333
    homephone: 555-111-3333
    mail: hruser1@druva.local
    description: HR Team
    homeDirectory: /home/<uid>
    ou: SOA

    dn: cn=HR User2,ou=people,dc=maxcrc,dc=com
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    objectClass: posixAccount
    objectClass: shadowAccount
    cn: HR User2
    sn: Druva
    uid: HRUser2
    uidNumber: 10124
    gidNumber: 800
    userpassword: SomePassword
    carlicense: HISCAR 9999IT
    homephone: 555-111-8888
    mail: HRuser2@druva.local
    description: HR Team
    homeDirectory: /home/<uid>
    ou: SOA

  7. Save the IT-HR-Users.ldif file under C:\OpenLDAP\ldifdata.

  8. Run the following command to add the users.

    ldapmodify.exe -a -x -h localhost -p 389 -D
    "cn=manager,dc=maxcrc,dc=com" -f 
    C:\OpenLDAP\ldifdata\GoupsIT-HR.ldif -w secret


Create AD mappings with LDAP filters

Create AD mappings based on the group memberships. LDAP filters are used to scan the user attributes and import group-specific users. For example, if the gidNumber for IT users is 721 and HR users is 800, it becomes the common attribute based on which the group can be filtered. 

  1. Login to the inSync Management Console using
  2. On the menu, go to Manage > Deployments > AD/LDAP.
  3. Open the Mappings tab and click New Mapping each time to create each of the following mappings:
    1. AD mapping for IT users:
      AD/LDAP Configuration:
      AD/LDAP Mapping name: IT Users
      AD/LDAP server:
      Base DN: dc=maxcrc,dc=com
      Filter Users: (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(gidNumber=721))


      Click Verify and then click Next.

      inSync Configuration:
      Profile: IT Users
      Storage: inSync Storage1
      Quota: 0 MB
      Click Finish.

    2. AD mapping for HR users:
      AD/LDAP Configuration:
      AD/LDAP Mapping name: HR Users
      AD/LDAP server:
      Base DN: dc=maxcrc,dc=com
      Filter Users: (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(gidNumber=800))
      Click Verify and then click Next.


      inSync Configuration:
      Profile: HR Users
      Storage: inSync Storage1
      Quota: 0 MB
      Click Finish.


After creating the AD mapping to import the users based on the filters with objectClass=posixAccount and gidNumber, inSync uses the LDAP query to search the uses that match the attributes. For example, when importing new users for the AD/LDAP mapping created for HR users, inSync runs the filter (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(gidNumber=800)) and searches the users with attribute  objectClass=posixAccount and gidNumber=800. HR User1 and HR User2 displayed in the list of imported users.

Import users

To import users:

  1. Login to the inSync Management Console using
  2. On the menu, go to Manage > Deployments > AD/LDAP.
  3. Repeat the following steps to import IT and HR users:
    1. Select the AD/LDAP mapping for each user group and click Import New Users.
    2. Select the checkbox next to the username and click Import Users.

  4. On the Manage Users page, click the links under the User Name column to verify whether all users are listed.

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