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How to check activation of inSync Client on user devices

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This article applies to:

  • Product edition: inSync Cloud
  • Applicable OS: Windows


Use the script in this article to check if inSync Client is activated on any Windows OS device.

Procedure to create the script

  1. Create a .BAT or .CMD file.
  2. Add the following script in the file:

    @echo off

    ::Check if inSync config is under C:\inSync4 or C:\ProgramData\Druva\inSync4\users

    IF EXIST C:\inSync4 (set LOC=C:\inSync4) ELSE (set LOC=C:\ProgramData\Druva\inSync4\users)

    ::ECHO %LOC%


    ::Looks for activated user in the cfg


    findstr /s /c:"WRUSER =" %LOC%\*.cfg | findstr "@" >> "C:\Windows\Temp\inSyncReactivate.log"  2>&1

    IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 (echo Already Activated) ELSE (echo Not Activated)


  3. Save the file.
  4. Open Command Prompt with elevated rights (run as administrator).
  5. Run the script file and redirect the output to a text file:

    Example -
  6.  Open the text file to view the activation status which should display the following -
    Already activated