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Profiles and Permissions FAQs

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This article lists the frequently asked questions related to profiles and permissions.  

►What if the Admin leaves the company and we need to change the inSync user account to someone else?

Contact Support to add the new admin.

►Can I share environments between 2 Salesforce App users?

No. For security reasons, we do not allow sharing environments as each environment is tied to a Salesforce user account. To control access,  environments added by one user cannot be shared with or be visible to another user.

►How can I prevent users from accessing my data templates and backup definitions?

You can set up a new project and invite the user to the new project with the appropriate permissions to control access to data templates and backup definitions. For more information, see Projects.

►Does this solution keep my data within the geographic boundaries of my organizations to meet data localization or data residency?

Currently, we support 7 AWS regions globally. For additional region support, contact your Account Executive.

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