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Enable Data Lock

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License editions: To understand the applicable license editions, see Plans & Pricing.


  • The Data Lock feature is available to Enterprise and Elite editions.

  • Only Druva Cloud Administrators can enable the Data Lock feature.

  • Once you enable the Data Lock feature, you cannot:

    • Disable the Data Lock setting.

    • Delete the entity.

    • Edit the retention period.



  • You cannot change the retention period after applying Data Lock. But you will be able to change other options.

  • You cannot manually delete the entity (SharePoint site, Public Folder, Shared Drives, Teams, or Groups) once you apply Data Lock.

  • Enabling the data lock feature for Teams will also enable the feature for associated Teams sites, and you cannot delete Teams and corresponding Teams sites.

  • Enabling the data lock feature for Groups will also enable the feature for the associated Groups site, and you cannot delete Groups and corresponding Groups site.

You can enable the Data Lock feature during custom configuration, editing the existing custom configuration settings, and adding a site. 

The following .gif walks you through how to enable the data lock feature for Groups and what happens after enabling this feature.

Data lock_orgapps_July11.gif

To learn how to configure for SharePoint, Public Folder, Shared Drive, Teams, and Groups, refer to the following links: