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Register previously deleted server

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If you are a cloud administrator, you can register a server that you deleted previously. If you are a group administrator, you can only register previously deleted servers that belong to the groups that you manage. After registration, you can configure this server as a file server or a SQL server, thereby enabling backups from the server.

Step 1 of 3: Perform clean-up of previous installation

  1. Log on to the server you want to register as administrator or root user. 
  2. (Windows) Stop Phoenix Agent Client Service
    (Linux) Kill the Phoenix process.
  3.  Manually delete: 
    (Windows Server versions) C:\ProgramData\Phoenix
    (Linux) /etc/Phoenix
  4. Start:
    (Windows) Start Phoenix Agent Client Service
    (Linux) Start the Phoenix process.

Step 2 of 3: Register the server


Note: If you have an activation token already, skip this step. Use the token to activate Phoenix agent. 

For more information on how to register a server, see Register servers.


Step 3 of 3: Activate Phoenix agent

For Windows

  1. Ensure that the activation token is handy. 
  2. Double-click the Phoenix agent shortcut. 
  3. On the Druva Phoenix window, enter the activation token in the text box, and click Activate

For Linux

  • From the /opt/Druva/Phoenix/lib directory, run the following command:

PhoenixActivate <token>

        where <token> represents the activation token that Phoenix generated at the time of registering servers. 

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