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Enable and disable organizations

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The availability of the enable/disable organization feature is limited to Enterprise and Elite editions. To access this feature, contact your Account Manager or Support. This article/documentation is subject to change based on the continuous improvements to this feature.

Do you have a single organization configured in your Hybrid Workloads (Phoenix) account? If yes, then you can now choose to disable the All Organizations menu on the Management Console. This helps to dissociate from the concept of multiple organizations and provide a simplified, single-layer view to deploy and monitor your workloads.
By disabling organizations, you can access the protected workloads directly without first selecting an organization on the Management Console. If you wish to create more organizations/sites in the future, you can always enable organizations.


Only a Cloud Administrator can enable/disable organizations.

New customers will not have any organization unless it is explicitly enabled, as shown in the following figure:


Existing customers with organizations can disable it after all the predefined criteria are met, as shown in the following figure. For more information on pre-defined criteria, see Disabling organizations.

image 2.png

The following graphic displays the overall flow for new and existing customers:



  • When an organization is disabled, only Administrative groups and Group Administrators will be present. Group administrators manages the Administrative groups and are essential for RBAC purposes.
  • Only a Cloud Administrator can create a Group Administrator. For more information, see Creating a Group Administrator.
  • Organization Administrators are not present when organization is disabled.


If you are an existing customer with a single organization in your account, then the organization is enabled by default. However, you can switch to a view with no organizations by disabling the organization. For more information, see Disabling organization.

If you are a new customer with a single organization in your account, then the organization is disabled by default. However, if required, you can switch to the organization view by enabling the organization and adding more organizations. For more information, see Enabling organization.

No organization view

This section helps you differentiate the view for a Cloud administrator and a Group administrator when the organization is disabled.

Cloud Administrator

Cloud Administrators have a Global dashboard view and separate Job listing page when the organization is disabled.

Global Dashboard


Job listing page


Group Administrator

Group Administrators view both the Summary and Jobs on a single page when the organization is disabled.

No Org_group admin view_corrected.png

Organization view

This section helps you differentiate the view for a Cloud Administrator and a Group Administrator when the organization is enabled. 

Cloud Administrator

Cloud Administrators have a Global dashboard view when the organization is enabled.


Group Administrator

When the Cloud administrator enables an organization, the Group administrator has the default organization. The following is the view when the Group administrator logs in for the first time post the change:


Enable organization

If you are a new customer, the organization will be disabled by default. If you want to create an organization, then you can enable the organization. Once the organization is enabled, then through the All organization menu on the UI, you can add more organizations. For more information, see Configure Organizations.

Note: If an account has no organization, a Cloud Administrator can enable organizations.

To enable an organization, 

  1. Log in to the Management Console.
  2. On the menu bar, click and select Enable Organizations from the Settings.png icon.
    enable button.png
  3. The screen that follows provides additional information about an organization. Click Enable Organizations.
    Enable Organizations.png
  4. A confirmation message is displayed. Click Yes, Enable Organizations to enable organization. 
    Enable Organizations confirmation_button.png
  5. The session will be terminated and you will be logged out.
  6. Provide your credentials and log in again.
  7. A dialog is displayed confirming that the organization has been enabled for your account by the Cloud Administrator.

    Note: Whenever any Cloud Administrator enables or disables an organization, notifications are shown on the Management Console informing other administrators of the same customer that organization is enabled or disabled and the changes will be visible after re-login.
    For other Cloud Administrators that are currently logged in, there is a 2-minute window in which they can log in again, otherwise the system terminates the current session . For more information, see Alerts and Notifications.

  8. When the Cloud Administrator of the customer logs in for the first time after the organization is enabled, the following page is displayed:
  9. Click Go to Console. The Organization View is displayed.


  • A default organization is created and all the resources will be visible under that organization.
  • Any Group Administrators that were created earlier or any resources that were configured, will be part of the default organization.

Disable organization

If you are an existing customer with single or multiple organizations, you will view an option on the Management Console to disable the organization. Note that Business SKU will not see this option.
If you are a new customer, the organization will be disabled by default.


  1. Log in to the Management Console.
  2. On the menu bar click All Organizations, click and select Disable Organizations from more options.
    Disable organizations button.png
  3. A dialog is displayed with the criteria that must be followed.

Disable organizations Criterias.png

Note: The following criteria should be met before disabling an organization:

  1. The screen that follows provides additional information about an organization. Click Disable Organizations.
    Disable organizations confirmation.png

    Note: On disabling the organization, the access control that was present with the organizations will be lost. Groups will be the only mechanism to segregate entities.

  2. A confirmation message is displayed. Click Yes, Disable Organizations to disable organization. 
    Disable Organizations confirmation_button.png
  3. The session will be terminated and you will be logged out.
  4. Provide your credentials and log in again.
  5. A dialog is displayed for other administrators confirming that the organization has been disabled for the account by the Cloud Administrator.

    Disable organizations_dialog_notification.png

    Note: Whenever any Cloud Administrator enables or disables an organization, notifications are shown on the Management Console informing other administrators of the same customer that organization is enabled or disabled and changes will be visible after re-login.
    For other cloud administrators that are currently logged in, there is a 2-minute window in which they can log in again, otherwise the system terminates the current session. For more information, see Alerts and Notifications.

  6. Click Go to Console. A view without any organizations is displayed.

Alerts and Notifications 

If multiple cloud administrators are logged in, and one of the administrators enables or disables the organization, then accordingly one of the notifications is displayed on the Management Console.



The following table describes the possible outcomes depending on the customer action.

Customer type Action/default Outcome/View
New customer By default, the organization is disabled
  • All Organization menu on the Hybrid Workload page is not visible.
  • The Summary Card on the Global Dashboard page does not provide any separate organization details.
New customer Enables organization when there are multiple cloud administrators
  • An alert notification is sent to other cloud administrators, group administrators, and DPO administrators that the organization is enabled or disabled. For more information, see Enabling organization.
Existing customer Disables organization
  • A Disable organization dialog with pre-checks appears. All the pre-checks must be satisfied to proceed further. For more information, see Disabling organization.
  • An alert notification is sent to other cloud administrators, group administrators, and DPO administrators that the organization is disabled.
  • All Organization menu on the Hybrid Workload page is not visible.
Existing customer with multiple organizations and an organization administrator Disables organization
  • A Disable organization dialog with pre-checks appears. For example,
    • single organization should be present
    • organization administrators and org-derived administrators should not be present
      All the pre-checks must be satisfied to proceed further. For more information, see Disabling organization.
  • An alert notification is sent to cloud administrators, group administrators, and DPO administrators that the organization is disabled.
  • All Organization menu on the Hybrid Workload page is not visible.
Existing customers having credit limits and cost codes allocated for an organization administrator
Disables organization
  • A Disable organization dialog with pre-checks appears. For example,
    • organization administrator should not be present
    • organization level cost codes should not be present
      All the pre-checks must be satisfied.  For more information, see Disabling organization.
  • An alert notification is sent to other cloud administrators that the organization is disabled.
  • All Organization menu on the Hybrid Workload page is not visible.


  • Is the organization automatically disabled when a customer with two organizations deletes one organization?
    When a customer with two organizations deletes one organization, then the organization is not disabled automatically. The customer has to click the Disable Organizations button and after all the pre-condition criteria are fulfilled, the organization is disabled. For more information, see Disabling organization.









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