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Manage Audit Trails

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Manage Audit Trails Retention Policy

Preserving Audit Trails is useful for governance and compliance purposes in a business. Based on your company and local data protection and governance policies, you might want to retain it only for a certain duration.

As a Druva Cloud Administrator, you can define the duration for which you want to retain the Audit Trails. After the duration expires, the audit trails are automatically deleted.


  1. On the Audit Trails page, click Settings.
  2. On the Audit Trails Settings page, in the Audit Trail Retention Policy section, select the duration for which you want to retain the admin audit trails.


  3. Click Save.

The changes are immediately reflected in the Time Period filter on the Audit Trails page.

Example - If you have changed the default retention period to the Last 6 months, the changes are immediately reflected in the Time Period filter of the administrator.

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