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Restore a Snapshot as an Instance

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Snapshots are incremental backups, which means that only the data blocks that have changed since your most recent snapshot will be backed-up. Upon restoring a snapshot, the entire point in time copy is restored. When you delete a snapshot, only the data exclusive to that snapshot is eliminated.

You can choose one of the following approaches to restore an EBS snapshot:

Restoring EBS Snapshots as an Instance

Druva CloudRanger boots up an EC2 instance using predefined parameters and then attaches the snapshots to be restored as a volume to that instance.

To restore a snapshot as an instance:

  1. .Log into your Druva CloudRanger console and navigate to Resources > EBS.

Restore Main.png

2. Navigate to the Backups tab and select the snapshot that you wish to restore.

3. On the backup details page, click Restore.

Note: Alternatively, you may select the snapshot from the Backup page, and then click Restore to initiate the restore process.

On the Restore dialog, select the restore type you wish to proceed with. The File Level Recovery option is selected by default.

Restore Instance.png

4. Select the Restore as an Instance option to launch an instance from the snapshot.

The Restore as an instance page displays an overview of the instance, the snapshot Location & Security, as well as the associated Tags.

Restore Instance 1.png

5. The latest available instance settings are pre-populated. Click Edit.PNG to modify the settings based on your business requirements:





By default, Druva CloudRanger displays the name of the original EC2 instance, and if unavailable, the instance ID is used as the name. 
You can choose to modify the default instance name.


Select the processor architecture for the instance, for example, i386.

Instance Type

Select an instance type of the restored EC2 instance. By default, Druva CloudRanger selects the original EC2 instance type.

Note: Not all instance types are supported in all regions. If you run into issues with the restore, verify that the selected instances are supported for that region.

For more information, refer to the AWS documentation.

IMDS Version

Denotes the EC2 Instance Metadata Service Version.

When restoring a backup from an instance where IMDSv2 is optional, you may select the version when initiating restore. By default, IMDSv1 is selected. If the backup is from an instance on IMDSv2, this would remain the default selection.

Note: An instance on IMDSv2 cannot be restored as an IMDSv1 instance.

For more information, refer to the AWS documentation.

Image ID

The ID of the associated AMI.

Block Device Mappings

The Device Name and ID of the snapshot to be restored.
Use the icon3.png and icon4.png icons to add or delete new devices and snapshot IDs.

6. Click Next.

7. Review the Location & Security settings that are pre-populated. Click Edit.PNG  to modify the settings, as applicable:





The Druva CloudRanger Account that the backed-up snapshot is associated with.


The AWS Region where the backed-up snapshot is stored.


A virtual private cloud (VPC) where you want the restored EC2 instance to run.


Subnet of the VPC where you want the restored EC2 instance to run.


Virtualization type for the restored EC2 instance.


Key Name

The backup encryption target key for the EC2 instance.
If you plan on remotely connecting to the restored EC2 instance, select a key pair created in your account.

Instance Profile

Instance profile for the restored EC2 instance.

Security Groups

Security group for the restored EC2 instance.

8. Click Next.
9. Review the instance Tags. Click Edit.PNG to assign new key:value pairs to the restored instance.




This section displays the tag keys that have been specified for the source EC2 instance or the AMI.
Tags act as metadata to help identify and organize your AWS resources.


The Value will depend on the Key specified.
Key: Created by Policy; Value: New
Key: Origin; Value: Origin ID

10. Click Finish.

Druva CloudRanger launches an Instance from this snapshot using the snapshot settings specified. The restored snapshots will now be available on the Restores page.

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